S45 E6 | The Reconciled Life | Pastor Joel Rainey | Covenant Church

The letter of Romans strengthened the ancient church, brought reformation to the dark ages, has brought hope for 2000 years, and can change your life!

This week Pastor Joel continues his message series, Romans Bold Faith That Saves. Loving God with all of your heart, soul, mind and strength and loving your neighbor as yourself, loving your enemies… all this will involve some pain. It's going to involve enduring things that, in all likelihood, will just simply not resolve in this world.

But it all has a purpose. You may not know what that is. God says, “love me, treasure me, endure through this. I am yours, you are mine. That will never, ever change.” That fact alone, Paul tells us, ought to give us something no sane person outside of Christ would ever think of possessing, a measure of joy energized by divine power that mystifies the world.

This is a special four part series that will span the year of 2025.



S45 E7 | Two Men; Two Destinies| Pastor Joel Rainey | Covenant Church


S45 E5 | Faith Alone: Past, Present, Future | Pastor Joel Rainey | Covenant Church